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Marcos Mendes

Hey! I'm Marcos Mendes

I’m a 24-year-old software engineer with a focus on building high-performance web applications and APIs. I specialize in TypeScript, React, NodeJS, Java, Spring Boot, Jest, Cypress, AWS, Azure DevOps, Solid, Patterns.

I utilize Clean Architecture, SOLID principles, TDD, and DDD to deliver scalable and maintainable systems that balance performance, usability, and reliability.

Passionate about continuous learning, I enjoy contributing to open-source projects and writing about technology, always eager to embrace new challenges and collaborate within the tech community.

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Pluxee (former Sodexo)

Lead Frontend Developer at Pluxee (former Sodexo)

Nov 2022 - Present

Leading a Frontend team on a backoffice project, responsible for developing and deploying new features on production, mentoring other developers and collaborating closely with the UX Design, Product Team and Backend Team.
Continuous Integration/Deployment Pipeline Integration, pull requests, code reviews, unit/integration/e2e testing. Implementing and scaling an enterprise frontend project with internationalization for multiple countries.


Frontend Engineer at Objective

Abr 2022 - Nov 2022

Developing modern and responsive websites and systems, implementing full-cycle new features involving both frontend and backend aspects of the product. Reinforcing code standards by setting up linter, formatter, and git hooks.
Implementing complex shared form validations using React Hook Form and Yup.


Software Engineer at Freelancer.com

May 2018 - Abr 2022

Using Next.js (or React Native for mobile) and Styled Components to develop the frontend of applications, ensuring a modern and responsive user experience. Engineering a robust backend with Node.js, and MySQL, and ensuring seamless delivery to production. Integrating third-party APIs and services to enhance application functionality. Conducting code reviews and maintaining coding standards to ensure code quality.
Utilizing version control systems (Git) for efficient collaboration and code management.

Tutorials and Live Coding


Personal Projects


Rust http server using Warp. Modular structure for easy scalability and configuration.



Pendulum simulation using Rust and Speedy2D, featuring real-time physics with adjustable parameters and dual pendulum rendering.


Interactive voice assistant using Whisper for transcription and GPT-3.5 for natural language responses.

Subscription Hub

Manage and track service subscriptions with a Next.js 14 and Tailwind CSS app, with SOLID principles for clean code.


🔥 A React-Native starter kit using Expo, React Navigation, Styled Components, TypeScript and Eslint.

Url Shortener Service

Scalable URL shortener service using NestJS, MongoDB, Redis, and DDD principles. Features such shortening, redirection, caching.

Next.js Boilerplate

A simple project starter to work with TypeScript, React, NextJS and Styled Components


A simple and effective React Hook to manage the localStorage ⚡️

Screen Size Helper

A React Hook utility for identifying and working with screen sizes

MyNotes - Android App

A Notes app, created in React-Native that provides better personal organization.

MacOS Web

MacOS interface with React, TypeScript and Styled Components ⚡

Contributions to Open Source Projects

Engineered with passion ▲
by Marcos Mendes